Every movie production, every tv show, every movie theater, every film festival and every media company has a greenhouse gas footprint. Thus, all of them have an impact on the earth´s climate. You want to know which actions and what types of technology can improve and/or compensate your own footprint? I am here to consult you on how to become more sustainable and future-oriented.
I am a Sustainability Production Manager and hold educational seminars within the creative and media industries. My individual consultation will help you with your next movie production or cultural event, as well as day to day organization. You are looking for a consultant or trustee to support a panel on climate change and a change of values within the media industry? I have many years of practical experience and a team of experts at my side.
Korina Gutsche
Productionmanager Sustainability
climatefriendly filmproduction/ cinemas/ mediacompanies
Clients: Medienboard/bbfc, MFG Filmförderung Baden Württemberg, ISFF Berlin, Produzentenallianz, Landeshauptstadt Potsdam, Filmuniversität Babelsberg, AG Kino, Green Me Filmfestival, Green Screen Filmfestival, Darßer Naturfilmfestival, FÖN e.V., CICAE, FH Kiel und Darmstadt, HessenFilm und Medien GmbH
sustainable.fair.innovative filmproduction and events
Clients: CARTE BLANCHE, ZIEGLER FILM, STREIFLICHT PRODUKTION, EASYDOESIT, CAUSALES, REAL FILM, NETWORKMOVIE KÖLN, Filmfestival Cottbus 2020, EIKON Fernseh- und Filmproduktion, studio.tv.film, Madefor Film, Wiedemann & Berg, Sky, Kundschafterfilm, Senator Film Produktion, UFA, EFM 2022, Berlinale 2022 Bestandsstudie, Green Actour Lounge 2023, Film ohne Grenzen Bad Saarow, Hotel Savoy Köln
moderation, curator and keynotespeaker
climat – medi – culture – festivals – values
Clients: CINEMARE, Motion Picture Association, Locarno Filmfestival, Film- und Kinobüro Hessen, European Film Market/ Berlinale, Staatsministerium für Kultur und Medien/Bundesministerium für Umweltschutz, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit